Part of a two-part series! Students can take one or both parts of the class. Check out the first half here: Memoir in Progress: Craft.
Do you have a partial working draft of your memoir? Are you in a writer’s rut and don’t know how to proceed? Revision is your answer.
For this 4-week class, students will refamiliarize themselves with the craft of writing memoir, and submit work to be critiqued in a traditional workshop setting. Memoir excerpts of 15-20 pages will be read and critiqued outside of the classroom for discussion the following week.
This course is designed for writers with advanced knowledge of the craft of memoir who have either: (a) taken Memoir in Progress: Craft (b) have a partially completed manuscript of a full-length memoir or a collection of essays. Please come to the first class with a copy of “an elevator pitch" for your potential or existing memoir (a compelling title and 150-word blurb that summarizes and encapsulates your work).
This class will also be a great determinant for any writers considering applying to GrubStreet's Memoir Incubator, a year-long MFA-level equivalent program dedicated to the development and revision of a completed memoir draft